LDS To-Do List
by Sharon
A friend sent me a link to the web site of a Latter-day Saint couple. Comprised of the couples' "Epistles and Handouts," the web site says,
An item listed in the Handouts section is a set Testimony Charts, each one depicting the testimonies of people in different stages of their spiritual journeys. Three of the charts are these:
About these charts the web site says,
Because of my Christian background, I would normally understand a "testimony" to be the story of an individual's salvation experience -- changed from sinner to saint by the grace of God. It was apparent that the LDS testimony charts would have to be depictions of something far different. I was intrigued, so I took a look.
The charts contain a list of 38 items. These range from "Know that Jesus is the Christ" to "Believe it is wrong to do bear hug dancing." A person's "testimony" of each belief or behavior is then rated on a scale from one ("You believe that the principle is false to the degree that you fight against it in total rebellion") to ten ("You have received a 'PERFECT KNOWLEDGE IN THAT THING'"). At the bottom of each list are the words, "This list could go on and on…"
Of the 38 items listed, only one has anything to do with Christ. There are three items each on the topics of temples, meeting attendance, prayer, and ecclesiastical leadership. There are two each on scripture and giving. There is one topic that has more line-item entries than any other: Sunday behavior. In addition to "keeping the Sabbath day holy," the list includes:
I think this demonstrates the importance Mormons place on the necessity of keeping this Old Testament command. One of the "requirements for exaltation" listed in the LDS book Gospel Principles is "Keep the Sabbath day holy" (304). The same book includes a teaching on the history of the Sabbath:
Doesn't this read a lot like the list from the testimony charts?
The Apostle Paul taught, "Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day." (Colossians 2:16)
I recognize that the web site promoting the testimony charts (and the book the charts are taken from) is not an official, authoritative LDS source for doctrine. Nevertheless, I think it fairly represents how Mormons understand the teachings of their Church regarding what is required of them in order to please God.
A few weeks ago MRM received an email from a Christian woman. She related an incident she had just experienced as she enjoyed a Sunday dinner with her family and a Mormon guest. Following the meal, the LDS guest graciously thanked her hostess for the nice meal. Making conversation, the Christian woman explained that she had found it necessary to go to the grocery store that morning before church in order to have the ingredients needed to prepare the dinner. "Well, you would have thought I killed someone...." the Christian woman wrote. "[My guest] let me know of her disapproval by telling me I should be ashamed of myself." The hostess explained to her guest that there is freedom in Christ; we can go to the store on Sunday if need be.
The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry web site puts the biblical teaching on the Sabbath into perspective:
While I look forward to Sundays -- I love being in church, worshiping the Lord, and receiving the preaching of His Word -- I'm very thankful for the undeniable truth of Jesus' assurance, "Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." (John 8:36)
A friend sent me a link to the web site of a Latter-day Saint couple. Comprised of the couples' "Epistles and Handouts," the web site says,
It is our hope that these materials will be of value to you and your family in helping you be better missionaries and stronger more faithful Later-day [sic] Saints in the same way that we hope it will be a strength to my own children, extended family and friends.
An item listed in the Handouts section is a set Testimony Charts, each one depicting the testimonies of people in different stages of their spiritual journeys. Three of the charts are these:
- Proposed Typical Latter-day Saint Testimony
- Less Active Latter-day Saint Testimony
- LDS Apostate Testimony
About these charts the web site says,
These charts are printed in the Book Getting The Water To The End Of The Row. They were intended to help us see that it is not true that we either have a testimony or we don't. We have a testimony in different degrees of different things.
Because of my Christian background, I would normally understand a "testimony" to be the story of an individual's salvation experience -- changed from sinner to saint by the grace of God. It was apparent that the LDS testimony charts would have to be depictions of something far different. I was intrigued, so I took a look.
The charts contain a list of 38 items. These range from "Know that Jesus is the Christ" to "Believe it is wrong to do bear hug dancing." A person's "testimony" of each belief or behavior is then rated on a scale from one ("You believe that the principle is false to the degree that you fight against it in total rebellion") to ten ("You have received a 'PERFECT KNOWLEDGE IN THAT THING'"). At the bottom of each list are the words, "This list could go on and on…"
Of the 38 items listed, only one has anything to do with Christ. There are three items each on the topics of temples, meeting attendance, prayer, and ecclesiastical leadership. There are two each on scripture and giving. There is one topic that has more line-item entries than any other: Sunday behavior. In addition to "keeping the Sabbath day holy," the list includes:
- Believe it is wrong to shop on Sunday
- Believe it is wrong to see movies on Sunday
- Believe it is wrong to watch TV on Sunday
- Believe in not working on Sunday
I think this demonstrates the importance Mormons place on the necessity of keeping this Old Testament command. One of the "requirements for exaltation" listed in the LDS book Gospel Principles is "Keep the Sabbath day holy" (304). The same book includes a teaching on the history of the Sabbath:
…some Jewish leaders made many unnecessary rules about the Sabbath. They decided how far a person could walk, what kind of knot he could tie, and so forth. (160)
Doesn't this read a lot like the list from the testimony charts?
The Apostle Paul taught, "Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day." (Colossians 2:16)
I recognize that the web site promoting the testimony charts (and the book the charts are taken from) is not an official, authoritative LDS source for doctrine. Nevertheless, I think it fairly represents how Mormons understand the teachings of their Church regarding what is required of them in order to please God.
A few weeks ago MRM received an email from a Christian woman. She related an incident she had just experienced as she enjoyed a Sunday dinner with her family and a Mormon guest. Following the meal, the LDS guest graciously thanked her hostess for the nice meal. Making conversation, the Christian woman explained that she had found it necessary to go to the grocery store that morning before church in order to have the ingredients needed to prepare the dinner. "Well, you would have thought I killed someone...." the Christian woman wrote. "[My guest] let me know of her disapproval by telling me I should be ashamed of myself." The hostess explained to her guest that there is freedom in Christ; we can go to the store on Sunday if need be.
The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry web site puts the biblical teaching on the Sabbath into perspective:
The O.T. system of Law required keeping the Sabbath as part of the overall moral, legal, and sacrificial system by which the Jewish people satisfied God’s requirements for behavior, government, and forgiveness of sins. The Sabbath was part of the Law in that sense. In order to "remain" in favor with God, you had to also keep the Sabbath. If it was not kept, then the person was in sin and would often be punished (Ezekiel 18:4; Rom. 6:23; Deut. 13:1-9; Num. 35:31; Lev. 20:2, etc.).
But with Jesus’ atonement, and justification by faith (Rom. 5:1), we no longer are required to keep the Law and hence the Sabbath which was only a shadow of things to come (Col. 2:16-17). We are not under Law, but grace (Rom. 6:14-15). The Sabbath is fulfilled in Jesus because in Him we have rest (Matt. 11:28). We are not under obligation to keep the Law and this goes for the Sabbath as well.
While I look forward to Sundays -- I love being in church, worshiping the Lord, and receiving the preaching of His Word -- I'm very thankful for the undeniable truth of Jesus' assurance, "Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." (John 8:36)
At December 05, 2006 4:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your insight on this matter. However, you can't judge the whole Mormon religion on this article that you might have found. You yourself said that this wasn't an official LDS endorsed article, so you can't project such hasty judgments about the religion as a whole from that alone. I know my fair share about the LDS religion, and just like any church, (including the one you attend) they teach doctrines of Christ and many other principles. You criticize that not all Mormons completely understand their religion, but no matter what religion or degree of activism there may be, people of all faiths will have different understandings about their own religion.
I also want to comment on your story pertaining to your Christian friend who had a judgmental LDS friend over for dinner. Sadly, there is no doubt in my mind that this may have happened. But, it needs to be understood that the LDS religion does not promote such judgmental behavior. The actions her LDS friend took by reproving your friends’ actions was nothing more than the mere human tendency of judging others (which can be used in a religious context or not). The LDS faith teaches not to judge others because no one, except for the Lord, are in the place to do so. In other words, her actions were of human err, and not derived from a religious obligation of showing disapproval when anyone does something different from what they believe.
Lastly, I also want to point out that never have I EVER found any official LDS literature knocking or demeaning any other religion, so why is it that you, and others feel it necessary to do so??? Now that's not very Christ-like, is it?
At December 05, 2006 7:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Epage, You said Lastly, I also want to point out that never have I EVER found any official LDS literature knocking or demeaning any other religion, so why is it that you, and others feel it necessary to do so??? Now that's not very Christ-like, is it?
I will share some LDS quotes to prove they have done this, and Show from the Bible and LDS sources why I share Christ with them.
We read in James Chapter 5,
Jam 5:19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
Jam 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Act 18:4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.
Act 18:9 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:
Act 18:11 And he continued [there] a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
Act 18:19 And he came to Ephesus, and left them there: but he himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.
Act 19:8And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God.
Jud 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort [you] that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Notice in these verses, Paul went to the people to speak, debate and share. Even God told Paul not to hold his peace.
1Nephi 14:10 Behold there are save two Churches only; the one is the Church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the Church of the Devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the Church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great Church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth.
Now lets look at some things the LDS Prophets/Presidents Of old have said about us Christians. I quote
B Young: "With a regard to true theology, a more ignorant people never lived than the present so-called Christian world" (Journal of Discourses 8:199). I quote 3rd president John Taylor (Brigham Young quotes Mr Taylor) "Brother Taylor has just said that the religions of the day were hatched in hell, the eggs were laid in hell, hatched on its borders, and kicked onto the earth" (J.O.D 6:176). I quote Heber C. Kimball "Christians-those poor, miserable priests brother Brigham was speaking about-some of them are the biggest whoremasters there are on the earth" (J.O.D 5:89).
Now if people are really honest with themselves here, and we reversed this, and had Christians say about the LDS, they are the biggest whoremasters on the earth, their religion was hatched in hell, ETC, They would cry out for our blood. Why is it they can say this about us?
Many LDS have even tried to get around the issue of the 1st Nephi quote, about their is only two churches. The LDS know that when the B.O.M Speaks about the True Church being the Lamb of God, it speaks about their Church. So it would stand to reason, ANY church that is Not LDS related does or could fall under the Church of the Devil.
In the Book Mormon Doctrine By Bruce R. McConkie Page 137-138 Under Church of the devil He says just what I said.
The titles church of the devil and great and abominable church are used to identify ALL Churchs or organizations of whatever name or nature-whether political, philosophical, educational, economic, social, fraternal, civic, or religious-which are designed to take men on a course that leads away from God and his laws and thus from salvation in the kingdom of God.
Bruce goes on to say, under the same heading and page.
Any church or organization of any kind whatever which satisfies the innate religious longings of man and keeps him from coming to the saving truths of Christ and his gospel is therefore not of God.
Hence we find our Lord saying,
"he that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."(Matthew.12:30)
And hence we find Alma inviting the wicked to repent and join the true Church of Christ and become the sheep of the Good Shepherd.
"And now if ye are not the sheep of the good shepherd, of what fold are ye? he ask's. "Behold, I say unto you, that the devil is your shepherd, and ye are of his fold; and know, who can deny this? Behold, I say unto you, whosoever denieth this is a liar and a child od the devil"(Alma 5:39; Jos. Smith2:19.)
Sometimes I really believe, Mormons either do not know what their scriptures teach, or they really don't care. Read
Alma 26:29-30 29: And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills; and we have also entered into their temples and their synagogues and taught them; and we have been cast out, and mocked, and spit upon, and smote upon our cheeks; and we have been stoned, and taken and bound with strong cords, and cast into prison; and through the power and wisdom of God we have been delivered again. 30: And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some.
The verses in Alma are clear, Mormons went to people and taught them. And sadly they went with the sincere desire to see lost souls saved, even if they were Beaten, Mocked, Spit upon, ETC. Since when have I personally done these things? I have not. So why wont LDS share with me? How come your not like the Mormon Missionary's in the BoM? Even Paul was beaten over and over. Not LDS of today. What are you afraid of?
What about, Articles of Faith number 11
11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
What is really sad here, is, if I witness to Mormons, I get attacked as an Anti Mormon. Yet they, according to their scripture take it to the people and teach them. But according to A of F 11, They say they allow people to worship how, who and where they like, Yet if we use a little logic, we find this is not really true. Here's why? If the LDS come to me and share their gospel with me, even though they might not come out and be so bold as to tell me what I believe is wrong, like I do with them, it stands to reason, If I believe what they teach me or tell me, then I must be wrong, because we cannot both be correct. Either my belief is true or theirs is. We cant both be right, especially if our beliefs are so far apart in Theology.
Here is More LDS scripture they seem to forget about.
In the Pearl of Great Price, under
Joseph Smith 2:18-19, it says, “18:My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right and which I should join.19: I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the personage who addressed me said that ALL THEIR CREEDS WERE AN ABOMINATION IN HIS SIGHT; THAT THOSE PROFESSORS WERE ALL CORRUPT; THAT THEY DRAW NEAR TO ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEARTS ARE FAR FROM ME, THEY TEACH FOR DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN, HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS, BUT THEY DENY THE POWER THEREOF.”
In verse 17 it is God the Father and the Son speaking about the state of the Christian Church to Joseph Smith. We as believers are not attacking, we are just responding to Joseph Smith’s statement about our church. Now here is something the Prophet/President said, I do this, but also find it rather interesting a Prophet would say this.
Read pg 188 of
Doctrines of Salvation vol 1
Joseph F Smith. "CHURCH STANDS OR FALLS WITH JOSEPH SMITH. MORMONISM, as it is called, must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either a prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned, or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. Their is no middle ground. If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed: his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false".
In the LDS Scripture we read again,
D and C 71:5-11 98:14,23-26 it says meet your enemy in public.
D and C 66:7 68:1,9 go into the church's public or private to discuss this stuff.
D and C 6:9-11 say convince us of our error if we have any.
If I am your enemy which I don't feel I am, but if I am it says meet me in public to talk about this stuff.
And it says to Convince us of our error, if we have any When I try that, All I get is called names or told, I can answer your question, but you don't really want to hear.
Again, why do I get accused of being hateful for doing what the scriptures teach. Now let me add this, would you agree it is good to listen to the mormon prophets? if so, then I am.
Orson Pratt,The Seer pg 15.
"we ask from you the same generosity--protect us in the exercise of our religious rights--CONVINCE US of our errors of doctrine, if we have any, by reason, by logical arguments, or by the word of god, and we will be ever grateful for the information, and you will ever have the pleasing reflection that you have been instruments in the hands of God redeeming your fellow beings from the darkness which you may see enveloping their minds".
I tried Doing what Orson Pratt said, Boy, that does not work,I am just trying to look at mormonism in a logical way and point out what I believe are problems. I find it interesting that mormons of old were willing to tell others they were wrong or be open to talks. but it does not appear to be that way today.
Mormon President George A Smith said page 216 in volume 14 of the J.O.D.
“If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if it’s preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak.”
I believe this fits the Mormons perfectly, as they really don't want their faith examined. Because if you do, then they call you an Anti-Mormon. So Epage, please share your thoughts on these quotes, How can you get more Offical than Quotes from LDS "PROPHETS" And the 4 Standerd works? Rick b
At December 06, 2006 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good sir, I admire your passion about this subject. However, I am not one who gets a thrill when participating in continual “controversial” disputes. You have obviously set your mind on how you feel about this subject, so unless you search to know about our religion with true intent and want to learn the TRUE and ACTUAL doctrine taught by the LDS faith (and not the half-truths plastered all over this blog), nothing I say will deter you from your stance. I suggest you talk to some LDS missionaries or an active member of our faith.
Also, unlike what you may believe when you said:
“Mormon President George A Smith said page 216 in volume 14 of the J.O.D.
“If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if it’s preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak.”
I believe this fits the Mormons perfectly, as they really don't want their faith examined. Because if you do, then they call you an Anti-Mormon.”
I am grateful that you are examining, really. As I stated earlier, I very much admire you for doing so. It does not scare us to be examined, for we have nothing to fear. All I ask is that you get the whole truth and not just tid-bits of it here and there from people who are obviously out there to smear and contort the actual teachings and beliefs of our faith.
Thank you very much for your words, however, I cannot be shaken from what I know to be true. You will probably read this and think that I’m so incredibly lost, but, it doesn’t matter what you think. I know this to be true, just as you’re sure that what you’re saying is true, so until you really reach for the true teachings of our church, we’ll just have to agree to disagree.
Again, thank you so very much, and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas…. God bless.
At December 06, 2006 12:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Epage,
I have been blacklisted from the LDS, THey no longer come over because I know more than they do and they refuse to talk. I have read all 4 standerd works, I own a long list of oringal LDS books. Click on my name, go to my blog, I have my entire LDS library listed their. In case you dont go, I own an Oringal D and C with the Lectures included, I own an oringal Pearl Of grp.
I own an oringal set of the JoD plus many other. I understand your religion well. I notice you imply I dont understand your religion and will not until I believe it.
I understand more than you think. Let me Issue you a challange of Sorts, you said, this blog puts out half truths, PLease provide these half truth for everyone to read, give evidence of these.
Honestly Epage, I am really sick and tired of LDS calling people like me or the founder(s) of this blog liars but never provide the evidence to do so.
WE are always accused of putting out lies or half truths, yet with all the LDS accusing us, they never provide evidence of these lies. If you cannot, please state you were mistaken, otherwise show evidence. If you feel we Are lying, surly you can back it up.
REmember, their is a difference between flat out lying and simply not agreeing. So show the evidence of lies or admit otherwise, or tell everyone you simply refuse to do either.
LDS member Chuck also accused us of lies, he has yet to come forward with the evidence. Rick b
At December 06, 2006 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rick, obviously your views are conveniently slanted to meet your own agendas. Doctrine does not shift to accommodate anybody. Interesting as I read the quotes of the prophets you have posted, I say to myself, ...'this guy is hanging himself with his own words...' but you represent them to mean something entirely different than my understanding of what you quote. You are too long winded for the battle. I would love to spar with you one issue at a time. If you're up to it, let's start with this.
Divinity of doctrine -- There can only be one true doctrine. Jesus taught only one truth. Anything that changes from what he taught, becomes the doctrine of someone other than Jesus.
There can only be one true church upon the face of the earth because of this. We go forward assuming that the church Jesus himself established is that church. If it is on the earth at this time, it is true, and all other churches (religions) are not true or at minimum, do not contain or teach the whole truth. Parts of truth may exist in other churches, but the truth in its entirety can only be found in one doctrine, which must be full and complete, not to mention must also be correct.
If a church teaches something less than the whole truth or something that conflicts with the truth, obviously that church leads its members away from the doctrine of Christ. When you mention the scripture from the BoM that says there are only 2 churches, well of course this must be true.
Think of it this way, if a church does not teach that it of itself is not the only true church on the face of the earth, it teaches that other churches are true in addition to itself. But the reason that YOU pointed out that this cannot be true is that the same doctrine cannot exist in more than one church, otherwise they teach exactly the same thing, making them the same church.
If you find a church teaching that it is one of several true churches, that church is not true sheerly be definition. So taken what you quote from the BoM understood correctly, there is the true church of Christ (because it contains and teaches all truth) and then there is the bucket containing every other church (include religion and doctrine) which are false or incomplete. False doctrines are found in their teachings, and obviously that leads away from Christ. Sounds suspiciously like the mission of the devil to me.
Note also that the prophets did not condemn people in the quotes you supply, they merely condemned the false teachings. If you are truly a truth seeker, you would allow yourself to look past unintended innuendos toward personal attack and zero in the meat of the message. Every quote you find in Mormon doctrine will preserve the importance of the human spirit because it is born of God. The value is in the people, the error is found in misleading or outright false doctrine.
If you believe the Mormon church is teaching something that is not true, then you have a case to build. But if you believe that quotes from the brethren have attacked your character, then you have misunderstood their message.
The Saviour himself has said there is only one path that leads back to Him and His kingdom. If you really want to find that path, you must find His church. Very many of the religions you may reference will point toward that path, but there is truly only one that can carry that path all the way through the gate.
If you want to spar, keep it to a single topic so we can establish some foundation to the argument. So how many true churches do you believe exist? Are you suggesting that Christ will accept all churches, even though they have conflicting doctrines?
Looking forward to your thoughts...
At December 06, 2006 6:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is not my Blog, and I will not go on and on with you. If you want go to and we can talk more there, that website is pretty dead right now, but their are a few mormons and non mormons posting their.
But briefly let me point out a few things. 1. you assume I am misleading people here so you try and call me out on it, Yet Epage flat out said, we are posting lies and halh truths, and she claims to be a mormon, Why do you not also ask her to either provide evidence or set the record straight?
You are not willing to rebuke a mormon for lying, but are willing to rebuke a non-LDS for possibly misunderstanding your church.
Then you said Divinity of doctrine -- There can only be one true doctrine. Jesus taught only one truth. Anything that changes from what he taught, becomes the doctrine of someone other than Jesus.
Well according to you, their can only be one true church and one truth, to which I agree, But I must ask, why do LDS not openly admit what they believe. What I mean is, You guys dont openly admit Jesus and Luicfer are brothers, or God was once a man, or their are 4,000 changes to the BoM, or the atonment took place in the garden. I could go on.
Yes I am sure you will say, but we do admit that. Yes you do, only if I know you do and point it out.
I gave this one example before, but I had two MM's over my house, I had two friends with me. The MM's talked with me for two hours and then decide to focus on my friends, They told me to shut up and let my friends speak.
My friend said, who do you believe Jesus is. The MM's said, I believe Jesus is the Son Of God. He started to change the sugject after that, So I said, wait a minute, you believe Jesus and lucifer are brothers, your being dectiful by not telling my friend that, when you are leading him to believe something you know you dont. The MM's gave me a look of I want you dead.
Then my other friend said, do you believe the Bible to be the word of God? The mm's said Yes I believe the Bible to be the word of God. Yet again, he stopped their and started to change the sugject. I then pointed out how according to A of F 8 they do not fully believe the Bible to be the word of God, and they do Fully trust the BoM to be the word of God.
So yes mormons do lie and use Decit, and your being dectiful if you want to imply your church is the true church, yet you wont openly admit or be forward about it unless it is pointed out first, that the meanings behind the terms are worlds apart between what we believe. Rick b
At December 06, 2006 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
OK then, to bring some quick closure here, I see no rebuttal from you. I don't necessarily take that to mean that you don't have one, but at best all you give here is a deflection, which means nothing to me. That leaves my challenge to you unanswered.
At best, you've cited some hearsay to which I feel no sense of obligation to respond.
You seem to want to displace official declaration from the church with something situational that a few MM's offered...hardly an argument or should I say rebuttal if that's what you intended.
I'd like to reiterate what I already said though...if you believe that the Mormon church is teaching something untrue, state clearly what you think that is and then move forward with a foundation to support your accusation.
Since I'm on point here, let me be clear with you. The LDS church is the ONLY true and living church upon the face of the earth. I'm not sure why you have trouble understanding or accepting that, but I would still hope to see some rebuttal from you if you can clearly illustrate why you belive otherwise.
At December 07, 2006 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bf, I love how you guys do not like the answers I give, so instead you claim I never answered you.
Then you say
I'd like to reiterate what I already said though...if you believe that the Mormon church is teaching something untrue, state clearly what you think that is and then move forward with a foundation to support your accusation.
You really are blind and possibly ignorent also arnt you?
The purpose of of all these blogs and website that I run and other run are all about stating the problems we see. Chuck asked a question just like you. Just read over the Blogs, they are both questions and problems we find, yet you insist we dont ask questions.
Then again you asked this question Divinity of doctrine -- There can only be one true doctrine. Jesus taught only one truth. Anything that changes from what he taught, becomes the doctrine of someone other than Jesus.
And you insit I never answerred it. I did answer it, you simply dont like my answer and also cannot answer me, My reply to you was simple. You ask for doctrinal truth and anything other than what Jesus taught was not truth. Yet you as do other LDS accuse us of lying, I see epage has decide not to reply, No surprise, You can accuse people of lying but when you cannot back it up you leave, that is enough evidence right their to prove we are not lying.
Epage said
so unless you search to know about our religion with true intent and want to learn the TRUE and ACTUAL doctrine taught by the LDS faith (and not the half-truths plastered all over this blog),
All I ask is that you get the whole truth and not just tid-bits of it here and there from people who are obviously out there to smear and contort the actual teachings and beliefs of our faith.
We are accused with no evidence supplied.
Then Bf you said OK then, to bring some quick closure here, I see no rebuttal from you.At best, you've cited some hearsay to which I feel no sense of obligation to respond.
First off, about a rebuttal, I did answer you, you dont like my reply, 2nd I offered you a website to go to, you decide not to, Who wants to talk? But is accusing me of not wanting to? If you wont go to the website but expect me to highjack this board for us your crazy. Then you accuse me of using hearsay, Yet you seem like you cannot or will not provide evidence of it. Yet again accuse people of lies yet wont provide evidence of them.
Then lastly you saidSince I'm on point here, let me be clear with you. The LDS church is the ONLY true and living church upon the face of the earth. I'm not sure why you have trouble understanding or accepting that, but I would still hope to see some rebuttal from you if you can clearly illustrate why you belive otherwise.
I told you already why I dont believe your church is true, It teaches Doctrines not found in the Bible and you did not deny it or reply to it, and you never challanged the claim about, LDS hide the fact unless questioned about these Doctrines. Lucifer and Jesus are Brothers, Atonment in the garden Etc. So yes again you were answered, At least be honest, admit I replyed and you simply dont agree.
At December 10, 2006 1:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
To be honest, I didn't even read this entire article. Nor have I paid any attention to the posts. I find nothing wrong with Sharon disagreeing with the beliefs of individuals. There is nothing of substance in the article from my perspective; accept for Sharon picking on some mormons. Nothing new or note worthy. Then I noticed Rick bringing me up on accusations. So I thought I would respond in kind.
Rick, you always hijack... don't fool yourself. There is plenty of evidence.
You had mentioned that I claim you lie and have yet to provide evidence. Allow me to do so now, right from these postings. You said LDS not openly admit what they believe. That is lie number 1. The reason why the things you suggest we hide are not typically discussed with non-members is because Jesus said to preach his Gospel. And although those things are truth, and they are his Doctrine, they are not His Gospel. His Gospel is very specific. Faith, Baptism, Repentance, the gift of the Holy Ghost, enduring to the end, etc. To teach anything else would go against what He has commanded. Yet if you inquire of those topics, we openly share our beliefs. You categorize missionaries experience with all mormons. Missionaries are there for one purpose only: To share the Gospel. Not to bash with you about what you believe. If you do not want to hear what they have to say, but only want to contend with them, they are instructed to move on and teach those who want to know the truth. This does not constitute not openly sharing their beliefs.
Lie number 2 I believe this fits the Mormons perfectly, as they really don't want their faith examined. We invite all to examine the true Church of Jesus Christ. What we do not appreciate is the twisting of the doctrines of Jesus Christ and the criticisms thrown at us simply because you chose not to believe the clarity that is provided.
You said So why wont LDS share with me? We try. But you are closed minded and already decided. As I have stated before, we are commanded to teach the Gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, etc... We can't even get through teaching you about faith because you start jibbering about how you already have faith and something about blind faith, etc. SO what is it exactly you want us to share?
Lie #3: So yes mormons do lie and use Decit. You generalize all mormons into the same category. You might be able to explain this away, and if so, then I retract my calling it lie. But I then call it a half-truth because your initial intention was to use this statement to prove all mormons are the same. For the record. Just because a mormon doesn't walk up to someone and say, "Hey, we believe Satan is the brother of Jesus, and we believe in 3 kingdoms of glory when we die, and we do baptisms for the dead" right from the start of the conversation does not mean we are lying or attempting to hide anything.
So here is your opportunity to share. You said Well according to you, their can only be one true church and one truth, to which I agree... so Rick. If you agree, then which church do you believe to be the true church of Jesus Christ? But before you answer, remember that I know that different Christian congregations teach variations of the same doctrines. As outlined by BF, this indicates that they cannot all be the same church. So grouping all Christianity or specific groups of Christians into the same "true church" is impossible by the definition that you stated you agree to. Not to mention, all Christianity would include the Mormons because we are christians too.
So do you believe the Church you attend is the true church and all others are of the devil?
For future reference Rick, don't slander me or bring me up in conversation unless I am included in the conversation. Stirring things up like that is not part of preaching the Gospel or sharing truth. You attempt to use me as part of your combat process and it is not appreciated.
At December 11, 2006 11:26 AM,
Jeremy and Samantha said…
I just wanted to let you know that I think you need to get better sources and maybe you should just stop talking because you sound like an idiot. I looked all over the official sites and found nothing of the sort. We do have different degrees of testimony but no one tells us what to or not to say or include in it. You need to get your facts strait if your going to start saying crap about other people.
At December 11, 2006 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Samantha, who are you addressing your post to? It is not clear who you are talking to.
At December 23, 2006 6:42 PM,
Jeremy and Samantha said…
Sorry about the confusion I was addressing that last post to Sharon/
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